Monday, March 5, 2012

Back in the Swing of things...

After having a few weeks of going off course, I'm happy to report that I haven't gained any weight. With the Paris & London trips, I walked a lot so I think it offset the extra calories and sweets/carbs/alcohol I consumed. I am also recovering from surgery and can't taste much so haven't been eating as much as usual. Though I did have a nice mexican meal last night and I went to town on some chips & dips! Lots of cheese!

I started back on the Dukan plan today, a pure protein day and I've been good. I've actually had to push myself to eat as I'm just not that hungry. I'm also really tired to the core. I can't believe how much this surgery has taken out of me. I came into work to do some catch-up and only lasted about 5 hours or so before I was ready to call it a day. I came home and napped for about 3 hours.

I'm not supposed to work out for 2 weeks, so I'm just taking it easy and I'll try to do some walking each day. I'm hoping to hit my 20 pound loss soon so wish me luck.

I've been drained and haven't felt like much of anything lately, let alone blogging but I keep remembering some of the things I wanted to blog about while on my Paris trip. I couldn't help to notice that NO ONE IS FAT in Paris. Honestly, we spent most of our time in a non-touristy area amongst the locals and I was amazed at how fit and thin the french seemed to be. Are they genetically superior? Are they really so active that it offsets the large amounts of bread, cheese and wine they seem to consume at every meal? It's fascinating really. The Dukan diet originated in Paris, so I was half expecting to see menus with Dukan-prepared food but I did not. I think the key is that they seem to have really fresh ingredients, no preservatives. Every meal was like the best and freshest meal I've ever had. How could they make eggs THAT good? It was food heaven. I didn't go crazy on the trip, but there were a lot of "croque monsieur" sandwiches that weekend and quite possibly the best Creme Brulee I've ever head (with Nutella!). Looking back, I'd say it was all worth it.

I'm finding it hard to get motivated to cook though. When I first started this diet, I was in the kitchen every evening. I'm not as excited about it now, and I can't put my finger on why. I'm not sure if its my general tiredness or just boredom with the plan. It's fairly simple so maybe I'm just used to eating kind of boring and bland and will get a 2nd wind soon. I really need to get in there to prepare food. Today I had (literally) taco meat for lunch, which was left over from Saturday nights' dinner and Chaz made me a wonderful filet for dinner. Add some cottage cheese, yogurt, 4 egg whites and a cheese stick to complete my day. It's not enough food. Tomorrow I'll have veggies so maybe that will spice things up. :)

Okay - heading off to bed. Thanks for reading!

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