So today I haven't been out of my jammies - I just changed into new ones. I left work early yesterday with some stomach distress... no need to elaborate more. Today I have slowly come around a bit but was still feeling yucky. Skylar was also home with a fever, sore everything and just generally feeling like crap.
I couldn't even will myself onto the treadmill for a walk so even though I shouldn't feel guilty, I do. Diet has stayed on track at least. One day of missed exercise in 18 isn't the end of the world I guess.
I did get creative in the kitchen though! When you are on a "diet," you become obsessed with food, more so than when you are not. You basically try to create things that don't taste "too bad" in order to feel some kind of satisfaction. Trust me, the bar is lowered. Aside from well seasoned meat, which is a shoe-in, you constantly try to seek out accompaniments that are legal or at least in the ballpark and that are edible. I've had a few disasters (oat bran cookies that might have been the worst things I've ever eaten- and I've tried haggis) so it was time for things to go my way.
I had some turkey chunks and wasn't sure how to cook them, so I did some googling and found a recipe for Dukan turkey & stuffing muffins. There was an option to just cook it as a casserole so I did just that. I present to you - our lunch. Chaz even ate this and liked it!
The start - where you cook your turkey, celery & onion...
Add in all of the other stuff (oat bran, wheat germ, cornstarch, etc...), bake and you have this lovely casserole...
Let me know if you want the recipe!
Then for dinner, I was really craving tacos. I'm actually surprised that I haven't thought up this concoction prior to today... I took the standard Dukan galette (pancake) and put some Fiesta Lime Mrs. Dash in it, made them thin and small and actually had something that resembled a tortilla or pita shell!
Say hello to my little friend!
The Finished product (with 93% lean beef)!
I added a bunch of salad and some more taco fixings around this and felt fully satisfied. I foresee many of these in my future. I've not been able to find fat free cheese here so have added the Weight Watchers 2% in here and there which I've read is ok as long as you are not plateauing. It seems to be ok and I haven't flown off course. This keeps me mentally happy as well as I'm realizing you can take sweets away, but not cheese completely. If I don't have a small amount, you might find me crashing and burning and eating a block of Cracker Barrel.
On a random note, unrelated to dieting... I heard a loud "explosion" today - it shook the house and the sheep went running for their lives. I ran downstairs and threw on my wellies, ran out into the snow (visibility was bad!) and truly expected to see twisted plane wreckage in the fields near us. It scared the living crap out of me. I called the police and reported it and eventually got a call back saying it was a sonic boom. Wow. OK. Lots of news stories about it now, but I really was worried for a bit. Chaz says that he sees fighter jets fly over and I've always dismissed it with a laugh. Guess he was right!
On that note, I am ready to hit the sack. Goodnight!