I'm feeling very positive but still a little bored with the menu. By the time I've worked all day, exercised, come home, attempted to entertain my children before they go to bed, I'm wiped out. I need to get into the kitchen more and cook. Our dishwashers are both broken right now (yes, we have 2 - don't ask) so there are piles of dishes at all times and I feel bad making more. I hope the guy comes this week to fix them as we found out they were basically draining into the house under the floor! I knew I smelled mildew/mold when I opened the lower cabinets. I have a ninja nose. I could have been a nose-spy. Maybe I missed my calling at a perfumerie in the south of France. (Ironically - I am having nose surgery very soon so I can breath better- maybe I really can become a nose spy or invent perfumes!).
I think I'm going to try to cook up a storm on Sunday and freeze some things and just prepare for the week. I did that the first week and I seemed to do much better in terms of having food readily available at all times.
We are taking the girls to an indoor water park on Saturday. This is always a test of stamina - going up the steps to the waterslides. I remember running up them as a kid and my Dad (who has always been active and in good shape) panting looking like he was going to fall over at an minute saying "wait up!" Well that is me now but worse. The last time I took Skylar to one at Disney this past summer, I had some serious flashbacks. I'm going to look at it as forced exercise.
Goodnight everyone! I am beat from a very short nights' sleep last night. I won't even address the reason why - but it has to do with a certain team's very upsetting football game loss. :(
Because of this, I am blaming it for my near-slip with a tootsie roll today, to drown my sorrows. I had it in my mouth, chewed it for a few seconds and spit it out into the trash. Classy eh? Oh the shame! At some point I will allow myself some kind of a treat... but not yet! All or nothing.
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