Friday, February 17, 2012


So I realize I haven't been updating as much. Perhaps because the novelty has worn off, but mainly because I've had an incredibly busy week. The kind where I can barely string a sentence together by the time I get home. My brain is mush right now. I've had some challenges this week in the "Valentines Day Candy" department. I've definitely indulged. Ever since we had our night out last Saturday, I think my body started back to square one with craving sugar. I haven't gone nuts or anything but I'm definitely realizing my areas of weakness. Stress is one and this week has been a mess. I haven't been able to get my full workouts in and I'm just feeling a bit defeated.

On the positive side, I'm still losing, just not as fast as the first couple of weeks, which makes perfect sense considering I've been slacking off. I keep telling myself that regardless I'm still eating 10x better than I was and that has always been a big focus.

As I am about to go to Paris for a couple of days, I'm a bit worried even though I know that this has been in the works for a long time. The honest truth is that I don't want to obsess over everything that I eat and drink this weekend but I'm already starting to get worried. I keep telling myself "what could I possibly do (or undo) in 48 hours?" I've already had a head start this evening with a couple of glasses of wine and some unauthorized "nibbles" at dinner. I know there will be a lot of walking so that should help.

Next weekend, the hubby and I are going to London for our 5 year anniversary. Once again, I'm excited to go but nervous because of some meals we already have planned. I wish I had the ability to not care about food. I know plenty of people who literally think of it as fuel, but I find pleasure in food, or should say that it's a big part of the experience of travelling for me. All of this leads up to my surgery on the 28th, so I will be down for a few days after that. I guess I need to accept that I've lost a fair bit, and I'm on this journey but I will be taking a slight detour for a couple of weeks. What happens is going to be inevitable.

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl, I have been the same about not posting. I just figured now that Dave was gone for a while I needed to "talk" out my feelings again. I am one of those "food is fuel" people, but sometimes I crave certain things I really love to eat, but can't have (chocolate for one)and I give in a little. I know you have had a busy few weeks, but hopefully we can keep strong together!
