I had a complete AA/NA moment today where I went into a panic, and would have eaten a dozen cookies if they were in front of me and needed a sponsor to call. Lesson learned? Never be without something to snack on. The key to this diet is having (the correct) food available at all times.
I went into town for a Doctor's appointment and hadn't eaten since around 1130-1200. On my way back to work, I realized it was almost 4 and I was ravenous! I headed to the supermarket on base and ran to the yogurt aisle - nothing I can have! They were nearly cleaned out. So I ended up getting a few things that I could have, to include deli meat and a bag of those little individually wrapped cheese squares. I had one in the car and even though it was only 90 calories and no carbs I feel guilty because of a measly 7 grams of fat! So I think it was realizing "I know I'm not really supposed to eat this, but it's gonna happen..." which really upset me. I'm over it though. It could have been much worse (like the free slices of chocolate cake they had at the deli counter!). Skylar and Mia love those cheese squares so it wasn't an irrational purchase completely. I've been reading the Dukan boards and quite a few have been successful with occasionally having low-fat cheese. Fat free cheese is not available here and is pretty gross from what I remember.
Today made me think of a conversation I had the other day about food and how it really is a drug and can kill you. However, unlike alcohol and the hard stuff, you have to actually eat food. They physical dependency I've had on sweets and "junk food," went away within the first few days but mentally I still think about eating some Doritos or a cupcake or having buttery popcorn and a candy-bar. My mind is still telling me that it will taste good and will make me feel fulfilled. I've always justified this because I didn't binge eat or anything along those lines, but when you eat a bunch of crap and not enough things that are good for you, eventually it will catch up with you as it did in my case. My Mom has type-2 diabetes and I don't want to go down that road.
Today is a veggie day and I made a wonderful Beef Stew last night and enjoyed it for lunch. For dinner, I had a chicken breast, green beans & mashed carrot/swede which was really nice. I felt like I was having mashed potatoes. I took a photo because it honestly looks like the only real meal I've had since I started this journey.
I'm trying to muster up the energy to get on the treadmill for 30 minutes. I know I will feel great afterward, but sometimes that is a bad thing as I'll be up for hours.
Signing off for now!
Did you make it to the treadmill?? I was glad that I played the WII. I read about the exercise too, but Dave said when he was on atkins he had to run every day for ROTC and it didn't affect him. I feel bad because I have gained 2lbs! SO I have decided not to weigh myself again until Monday. I am currently waiting for my groceries to be delivered... mmm veggies!