I'm really getting near my 20 pound weight loss mark and I'm very excited. However, I'm starting to have wardrobe dilemma each morning before I go to work. My big clothes are well, big. I already have a pile of "trousers" that hang off of me and look ridiculous, but my "skinny" clothes are still too tight and slightly inappropriate for the office setting. It's a strange phase to be in because I don't want to do any shopping really because I don't plan to stay in this zone for long. Basically I'm going to look like a ragamuffin for a while, and try to pull off leggings and dresses as much as possible. Not that I'm complaining!
On the subject of vanity - I'm having hair remorse. I'm officially over being a brunette. Now my hairdresser said that this would be a work in progress and eventually I'll have my caramel/light blond mix but right now it's a very boring mousy brown, some parts that have faded show my old color a bit and it's just boring. I am supposed to go back in 2 weeks for my next appt. but Chaz will be out of town so I'm going to have to figure out something. Basically, I want to have it more natural, less brassy/bleached blonde, but I don't think I fancy being this dark and I've had a few of my more blunt/honest friends tell me that they prefer me blonde. In the grand scheme of life, this shouldn't even matter but I think with this overall theme of self improvement, I'd like to feel confident all around.
I was looking at a photo that my dear friend sent me from last summer and remembered it was one of the reasons I started this journey. My husband even said he was a bit shocked that he didn't think I was 'that big,' and that it was just and unflattering photo, but I was happy to compare it to a recent photo to see the progress and to keep me motivated. I posted this before/after on the facebook/Dukan page for fellow dieters to see but as facebook settings are crap, a lot of my friends ended up seeing it. I felt cheeky, and like I was fishing for compliments... really all I wanted was to motivate others and prove that this diet really works! So - I will post it here, not fishing for compliments of course (haha).
See what I mean about the hair? (Left is too blonde - bleaching and help from the sun) Right is well, not me.
Heading to bed now. Goodnight everyone!
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